
Frequently Asked Questions


Find below answers on Frequently Asked Questions about Portuguese Translation Services in South Africa. You will find information on Portuguese translation rates, delivery and quotes. We are always available to answer any questions, you may contact us by phone or email or through our contact us page.

A. Which languages do you translate into?

Speak Portuguese (SP) Translations Services specialize exclusively in English-Portuguese translations, whether European Portuguese or Brazilian Portuguese. However, we have access to a network of experienced colleagues working with French, Spanish and German and we’d be glad to recommend the right person for your project.


B. How long will it take?

Timing depends on the language and page count. See below:

Languages Page Count Equivalent Words     Estimated Turnaround
Spanish, French, Portuguese , German, Afrikaans, 1-3 pages < 750 words      24 hours
4-8 pages 750 – 2000 words      48 hours
9+ pages > 2000 words Request a Quote
All other languages Any size Any size  

Request a Quote


C. How can I obtain a quote?

This is a regular query on Frequently Asked Questions about Portuguese Translation Services. The best way to receive a translation quote is to send an e-mail to us at You can also reach us by phone, WhatsApp or by completing our contact form. Speak Portuguese respond to request with a detailed proposal and fixed price quote within an hour of receipt of the complete materials in electronic format that need to be translated and/or typeset.


D. How much does it cost?

We have a simple, Upfront Pricing.

For Sworn / certified translations: the cost depends on the amount of pages translated. Our cost is R500 per page. A page is defined as: 250 words or fewer (including numbers), one-sided, and letter-size (8.5″ x 11″) or A4 dimensions or smaller. An excess of 250 words on a page would be considered additional pages and priced accordingly at the same rate of R 500 per every 250 words.

Our business translations are priced by the word. Our price is R1.30 per word with a minimum charge of R500 per order. Numbers are included in our word count. We believe in transparent pricing so you know the cost before purchasing.


E. What kind of translations can you do?

Our areas of specialization include: Sworn translations, Commercial and Business translation, Personnel and Human Resources, Technical, Scientific and Industrial, Medical and Pharmaceutical, Health Care, Legal and Financial, Art / Music. If you need a translation in another field, please contact us.


F. I need a translation into Brazilian Portuguese. Can you target my translation for a specific country?

Usually there are questions in the frequently Asked Questions about Portuguese Translation Services about this. We translate to Brazilian and European Portuguese and we can also adapt your translation to another Portuguese-speaking country. We adapt our document for either Portugal, Angola, Mozambique and etc.


G. How do you ensure the confidentiality of documents?

All documents are treated with the highest degree of confidentiality. Our in-house staff members and translators understand our confidentiality obligation, and have signed non-disclosure agreements in order to work for Speak Portuguese. When requested, we are happy to sign a Confidentiality Agreement.


H. What is a certified/ sworn translation? When is it necessary?

In South Africa, a certified translation is a translation produced by a certified translator. This means a translator with a certain level of training or experience who has taken an oath in court in South Africa, entitling him/her to translate certain official documents. Sworn translations are always needed when a translation is to be used for administration purposes or governmental requirements such as birth certificates, academic certificates or declarations


I. What is the difference between a translator and an interpreter?

A translator works with written material. An interpreter works with spoken language. Translators take a document written in one language and rewrite it in another language. Interpreters listen to spoken words in one language and repeat the same message in another language.


Find below answers on Frequently Asked Questions about Portuguese Translation Services in South Africa. You will find information on Portuguese translation rates, delivery and quotes. We are always available to answer any questions, you may contact us by phone or email or through our contact us page.

A. Which languages do you translate into?

Speak Portuguese (SP) Translations Services specialize exclusively in English-Portuguese translations, whether European Portuguese or Brazilian Portuguese. However, we have access to a network of experienced colleagues working with French, Spanish and German and we’d be glad to recommend the right person for your project.


B. How long will it take?

Timing depends on the language and page count. See below:

Languages Page Count Equivalent Words     Estimated Turnaround
Spanish, French, Portuguese , German, Afrikaans, 1-3 pages < 750 words      24 hours
4-8 pages 750 – 2000 words      48 hours
9+ pages > 2000 words Request a Quote
All other languages Any size Any size  

Request a Quote


C. How can I obtain a quote?

The best way to receive a translation quote is to send an e-mail to us at You can also reach us by phone, WhatsApp or by completing our contact form. Speak Portuguese respond to request with a detailed proposal and fixed price quote within an hour of receipt of the complete materials in electronic format that need to be translated and/or typeset.


D. How much does it cost?

We have a simple, Upfront Pricing.

For Sworn / certified translations: the cost depends on the amount of pages translated. Our cost is R500 per page. A page is defined as: 250 words or fewer (including numbers), one-sided, and letter-size (8.5″ x 11″) or A4 dimensions or smaller. An excess of 250 words on a page would be considered additional pages and priced accordingly at the same rate of R 500 per every 250 words.

Our business translations are priced by the word. Our price is R1.30 per word with a minimum charge of R500 per page. Numbers are included in our word count. We believe in transparent pricing so you know the cost before purchasing.


E. What kind of translations can you do?

Our areas of specialization include: Sworn translations, Commercial and Business translation, Personnel and Human Resources, Technical, Scientific and Industrial, Medical and Pharmaceutical, Health Care, Legal and Financial, Art / Music. If you need a translation in another field, please contact us.


F. I need a translation into Brazilian Portuguese. Can you target my translation for a specific country?

We translate to Brazilian and European Portuguese and we can also adapt your translation to another Portuguese-speaking country. We adapt our document for either Portugal, Angola, Mozambique and etc.


G. How do you ensure the confidentiality of documents?

All documents are treated with the highest degree of confidentiality. Our in-house staff members and translators understand our confidentiality obligation, and have signed non-disclosure agreements in order to work for Speak Portuguese. When requested, we are happy to sign a Confidentiality Agreement.


H. What is a certified/ sworn translation? When is it necessary?

In South Africa, a certified translation is a translation produced by a certified translator. This means a translator with a certain level of training or experience who has taken an oath in court in South Africa, entitling him/her to translate certain official documents. Sworn translations are always needed when a translation is to be used for administration purposes or governmental requirements such as birth certificates, academic certificates or declarations


I. What is the difference between a translator and an interpreter?

A translator works with written material. An interpreter works with spoken language. Translators take a document written in one language and rewrite it in another language. Interpreters listen to spoken words in one language and repeat the same message in another language.

FAQ Portuguese Translation Service
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FAQ Portuguese Translation Service
Frequently asked question about our services. SpeakPortuguese is a small translation company in South Africa offering professional Portuguese translations. Contact us with any questions!
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SpeakPortuguese Translation
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