Sworn translation meaning in South Africa


In South Africa, a sworn translation may be required when official foreign documents need to be submitted to an authority. Educational institutions and government entities generally require officially sworn translations in order to guarantee a binding translation of the original official documents that has been rendered word for word. Portuguese sworn translators are legally authorised to confirm that translations are complete and accurate as well as to certify them. Find out exactly what services they provide and when it may be necessary for you to make use of their services

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What is a Portuguese sworn translation?

Sworn translation bears an official stamp and signature from a translator who’s duly admitted at one of the High Court of South Africa. The stamp and signature ensure the recipient of the document that it has been translated by a sworn translator. Furthermore, the sworn translator certifies the authenticity, completeness and accuracy of the translation. The original source document or a copy thereof need to be attached to the translation in a fraud-proof way. Crossing out or adding text to a sworn translation makes the translation invalid.


Which situations require a sworn translation?

Expats who live and work abroad often need to submit foreign documents to official entities, such as Home affairs, immigration services and educational institutions. It is also common that companies that trade overseas have documents that need to be submitted to official institutions in another foreign country. In these cases, a sworn official translation may be required.

The requirements of sworn translations depend on the legal system of the country where documents need to be submitted. In South Africa, a translator must be authorised by the High Court, and must use an original (or a sworn copy of an original) in his/her physical presence as the source text. Translators may only swear by their own translations. There is no requirement for an additional witness (such as a notary) to confirm the authenticity of the sworn translation, however Sworn translations may be submitted to DIRCO for an apostille or legalisation.

We are specialized in Portuguese to English Translation and also in English to Portuguese Translation.

Speak Portuguese is a proudly South African translation company specialised in just Portuguese to English translation in order to achieve a service of excellence.

We offer translations of all type of texts, from any field or business area find out here, to any institution. All our translations are sworn and certified

We guarantee fast turnaround for translation delivery, and low translation rates.

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Sworn translation meaning in South Africa
Article Name
Sworn translation meaning in South Africa
In South Africa, a sworn translation may be required when official foreign documents need to be submitted to an authority. Find out exactly what sworn translation means and when it may be necessary for you to make use of them.
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SpeakPortuguese Translation
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