Local NGOs in Mozambique-pretoria-johannesburg-capetown-durban

Mozambique is well-known for its scenic beaches, its wildlife and its affluence in cultural heritage but is vulnerable to fraud, corruption, terrorism and human rights exploitation. The human rights condition in Mozambique worsened in 2020, resulting in ongoing conflict north of the country. In addition, the state security forces were held accountable for grave violations. Along with these crimes against humanity, the Islamist insurgency attacked Mozambique’s northern province of Cabo Delgado. Known locally as al-Shabaab, the group committed heinous acts against local communities. Consequently, these violent disruptions led to a humanitarian disaster with over a million Mozambicans displaced leading to local NGOs in Mozambique attempting to address these disasters and violations.

The World Bank recently funded Mozambique with $300 million for structural reform, which won’t drastically improve the human rights situation but can slowly better the economy by creating jobs and allowing citizens to better their lives. In addition, there are a variety of local NGOs in Mozambique striving to safeguard vulnerable citizens, women and children by developing initiatives and raising awareness to support victims. Mozambican local NGOs are working hard to provide relief to citizens; the list of local NGOs in Mozambique is as follows:

Local NGOs in Mozambique-Pretoria-Johannesburg-capetown-Durban-2022

Casa do Gaiato de Maputo

An NGO called Casa do Gaiato de Maputo serves as a family substitute for kids without families. Casa do Gaiato, established in 1940, is 40 kilometres from Maputo. The organisation prioritises the education and training of abandoned children. In June of this year, a rash of violence in the region of northern Mozambique plagued by jihadists uprooted about 30 000 children. This ongoing violence against children is the reason Casa do Gaiato acts as a home for the children in and around Mauto. The majority of the homes are located in rural locations, while in the cities, they serve as housing for students. For donations or more information, Quiteria Patience Torres serves as the responsible contact. Casa do Gaiato de Maputo is a home that supports children through the constant conflict they face as the most vulnerable citizens.

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Associacao Esmabama

The Esmabama Association is an NGO with an ultimate reach and engagement with its community. It commenced its activities in 1997 and thereafter, was officially recognised as an NGO in 2004. Located in Sofala Province from four development centres, the Catholic missions of EStaquinha, MAngunde, BArada and MAchanga, which form the name ESMABAMA, helped build more development opportunities for community members. ESMABAMA’s activities are constructed on three pillars of action; Education, Health and Agro-livestock farming, seeking the empowerment and financial independence of the communities. ESMABAMA is developing several projects involving planting trees, feeding disadvantaged students, and assisting boarding schools. In 2019, tropical cyclones Idai and Kenneth left large amounts of damage to most parts of Mozambique. This was the first time two powerful tropical cyclones hit the country in the same season. The devastation caused by the cyclones caused an urgent need for humanitarian assistance in healthcare, nutrition, protection, education, water, and sanitation. As a result, the organisation plans to supply the Health Centres of Estaquinha, Barada and Mangunde with healthcare, hygiene and cleaning products, and food for the community. The Idai Emergency Relief (Feeding and Health) recently has reached all its funding goals, but there are many more projects to which people can give their time or donate.

Local NGOs in Mozambique-Pretoria-Johannesburg-Capetown-Durban-2022Zizile

Zizile Instituto para o Desenvolvimento da Criança, is a Mozambican an NGO that continuously advocates for children. Zizile became an NGO under the law in February 2010, striving daily for the Mozambican child to enjoy their rights and have a dignified childhood. They work to empower parents for a more adjusted intervention to understand their children’s needs better. Zizile develops projects and actions, especially in education, but also carries out health and nutrition programmes to ensure that the vulnerability brought by poverty in the child’s family and community does not hold back its full development. Zizile also trains the teams of community schools, assisting them in gaining essential skills to stimulate children’s development. Zizile has partnerships with local and international brands, and they are open to funding. Zizile’s success as a humanitarian organisation is demonstrated through its proactivity with parents to improve children’s lives by leveraging partnerships with other companies to advance its operations.

Local NGOs in Mozambique-Pretoria-Sandton-Capetown-DurbanFanelo Ya Mina

Fanelo Ya Mina translates to our duty, which is also the name of an organisation that seeks to involve men and boys as partners and agents of change as a strategy for gender equality promotion and advancement of women and girls. It is an NGO that forces duty upon men to do their part in being an ally for the birth-given rights of women. In light of this, Responsible Fatherhood is a project that is essential for the development of children and for building families and societies that better reflect gender equity and protect children’s rights. In Mozambique, work that relates to caregiving remains dominated and intentionally directed to females. These expectations burden women by perpetuating norms about the “incapacity” of men to care for themselves and others. Therefore the Responsible Fatherhood project seeks to promote the caring role of fathers and the recognition and support of the father figure. Fanelo Ya Mina stands out with its unique, challenging campaigns to give men a duty to protect women and girls in communities.

Local NGOs in Mozambique-Pretoria-Johannesburg-Capetown-Durban 2022Bloco 4 Foundation

Bloco 4 Foundations is a research organisation that seeks to promote the construction of spaces that exercise citizenship, activism and transparency in social policies in Mozambique. The present research group focuses on documenting and understanding issues of urban visuals in the context of global dialogues, which define the existential forms of the city.  Bloc 4 Foundations produced a documentary, Generations in struggles for utopias. The documentary is the product of a cycle of public conversations occurring in Maputo, exploring the illustration of artistic dimension through knowledge. The use of research and art by Bloc 4 Foundations explores different strategies to help communities in Mozambique.

Despite Mozambique’s community conflict, there are local NGOs actively helping women and children. NGOs use academic research to help address issues by shaping men to become allies in raising awareness of female rights and advocating for children’s wellbeing. Other organisations take advantage of their research skills to address human rights violations. Local NGOs in Mozambique are using the resources and knowledge to guide communities in Mozambique to move in a better direction.

About SpeakPortuguese Translation and Interpreting Services

SpeakPortuguese is a multilingual translation agency with experience in offering translation services for the NGO field. For years our translation services have helped organisations translate research for NGO interventions and identify technical and current political challenges. The team translates research and reports NGOs to conduct to benefit their cause. Contact us for further information about certified document translation services at 012 348 3134 or e-mail us at info@frenchside.co.za.

Local NGOs in Mozambique
Article Name
Local NGOs in Mozambique
This article discusses the local NGOs in Mozambique's dealings with human rights concerns. Human rights in Mozambique have deteriorated over the past years. Local NGOs will be used to demonstrate how their operations, achievements and initiatives are contributing to the improvement of Mozambique.
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