South Africa, Medical Tourism Destination of Choice


Medical Tourism is undeniably a high-growth industry, and patients traveling to destinations with reasonable affordability and accessibility to healthcare is becoming a norm. South Africa, as a medical tourism destination, with a global ranking of 22th in the world medical tourism index, is an industry leader in Africa. Medical tourists from all over Africa, Europe, the USA, and other parts of the world come to South Africa each year. They are attracted by the country’s well-developed infrastructures, high quality of care combined with attractive locations and activities.

South Africa’s Health Care Systems

Healthcare in South Africa, a medical tourism destination, is administrated by the Department of Health. There are over 200 private hospitals across the country with highly specialized, high-technology health services available in both the private and public sectors. The larger regional hospitals are administered by the provincial health departments. Primary care clinics and smaller hospitals are administered at the district level.

There is a two-tier healthcare system in South Africa with a large subsidized public sector and a small, but very high quality, private sector. The private sector is run mainly on commercial lines and provides to foreigners, middle and high-income earners who are generally members of medical schemes. In addition, it attracts most of the nation’s health professionals. Some of the major hospitals for medical tourism include Life Healthcare Hospital Group, Netcare Group, and Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital. South Africa, as a medical tourism destination, boasts the highest standard of healthcare in Africa

Why Do People Travel to South Africa, as a medical tourism destination

Demographic change and the prevalence of chronic conditions linked to an aging population fuel demand for more and better healthcare services. High costs and long waiting times at home have caused certain medical tourists to seek cheaper alternatives elsewhere. Research shows that a significant majority of the medical tourists coming to South Africa, as a medical tourism destination, are aged between 45 years and 54 years but if we include dental and cosmetic procedures as well, the numbers paint a very different picture.

South Africa, as a medical tourism destination, has excellent medical amenities at a considerably affordable cost but it would be very easy to think that all medical tourists travel in the country because they seek fast and less expensive medical care. Data from a McKinsey and Company report indicates otherwise. The report states that 40% of medical tourist patients seek advanced technology procedures performed by highly trained personnel. South Africa, as a medical tourism destination, is a major player in the field of medical research, the country is well renowned throughout the world for the quality of its medical services. Further, the comprehensive medical tourism offering in the country makes every aspect of the trip to South Africa a comfortable, safe, and rewarding one.


Common Treatments Done By Medical Tourist in South Africa

The most popular treatments done by medical tourists visiting South Africa, as a medical tourism destination, are different types of plastic surgery procedures. Breast augmentation, liposuction, nose reshaping, facelifts, and tummy tucks are among the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures done. Other common treatment areas include:

  • Dentistry
  • Obesity surgery
  • Heart surgery
  • Orthopedic surgery
  • Organ transplantation

Bridging the language gap for better medical tourism

With patients traveling to South Africa, as a medical tourism destination, for months at a stretch for medical treatments, interpreters and linguists are a vital tool for ensuring correct medical interpretation, preventing accidents, and making informed decisions. Language barriers in healthcare lead to miscommunication between the medical professional and patient, reducing both parties’ satisfaction and decreasing the quality of healthcare delivery and patient safety. Some of the important languages interpreters are required for are German, Portuguese, and French (for patients from countries like Mozambique and DRC). While a lot of travelers rely on Google translate, it is full of hiccups and proves to be a frustrating experience when it comes to understanding medical terminology.

Speakportuguese translation and interpretation has been operating for 10 years. Providing quality and professional interpretation. Our expert team of medical translators and interpreters has the right skills, the right experience, and the right training to handle any medical translation needs you may have.

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South Africa, a Medical Tourism Destination of Choice
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South Africa, a Medical Tourism Destination of Choice
South Africa, as a medical tourism destination, with a global ranking of 22th in the world medical tourism index, is an industry leader in Africa. International medical tourists are attracted by the country’s well-developed infrastructures, high quality of care combined with attractive locations and activities.
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